Number & Math Cards

Category: Maths, Spatial and Arithmetic

These cards can be used to practice numbers or math as mathematical symbols have been included. Simply print the templates (card stock works best) and cut along the dotted lines.

Combine various numbers to make larger numbers (ie. 1 + 0 = 10; 2 + 5 = 25). For numbers with 3 or more digits or for math equations that use the same number/symbol more than once, more than one set of cards will be needed.

Number & Math Cards 0,1,2,3 printable template

Click image for the full-size template

Number & Math Cards 4,5,6,7 printable template

Click image for the full-size template

Number & Math Cards 8,9,+,- printable template

Click image for the full-size template

Number & Math Cards =/*. printable template

Click image for the full-size template